Artist: Animals on Wheels Album: Designs and Mistakes
Year: 1997Duration: 0:0-1
Animals on Wheels: Designs and Mistakes Album Review
Animals on Wheels is a British electronic music group consisting of producers John Nunn and Andrew Coleman. They have been creating innovative electronic music since the 1990s, and their fifth album, Designs and Mistakes, was released in 2008. This album showcased their unique take on electronic music, blending elements of trip-hop, IDM, and ambient music. In this post, we will be taking a critical look at Designs and Mistakes, highlighting some of the best tracks and most innovative elements of the album. We hope that this review will give music listeners a deeper understanding of this innovative album.
The music genre of the Designs and Mistakes album is a blend of trip-hop, IDM, and ambient music. This unique combination creates a captivating and atmospheric sound that draws the listener in from the first track. The use of live instrumentation, such as guitars and drums, also adds a natural element to the electronic sound. The album has a distinct organic feel, which is a welcome departure from the cold, synthetic sound of many electronic music albums.
One of the standout tracks on the album is Never In and Never Out. This track features an otherworldly soundscape, with haunting vocals and a pulsing beat. It's a perfect example of the unique atmosphere that Animals on Wheels creates in their music. The track Broken Flags is also noteworthy, with its intricate percussion and dreamy melody. It's a more subdued track than Never In and Never Out, but equally captivating.
The most innovative part of Designs and Mistakes is how it blends different genres of electronic music. Animals on Wheels combines elements of trip-hop, ambient music, and IDM in a way that feels fresh and new. The use of live instrumentation is another innovative aspect of the album. It's rare to hear guitars and drums in electronic music, but Animals on Wheels makes it work seamlessly.
While Designs and Mistakes is an innovative and well-crafted album, there are some criticisms to be made. The album can be a bit too meandering at times, with some tracks feeling drawn out and repetitive. It would have been nice to hear more variation in the rhythm and structure of some tracks to keep things interesting. Additionally, the vocals on the album can be hit or miss. While they add an ethereal quality to some tracks, they can detract from others.
Animals on Wheels' Designs and Mistakes is an innovative and captivating album that showcases their unique blend of electronic music genres. With its use of live instrumentation and nuanced atmosphere, it's a standout album in the electronic music genre. While there are some criticisms to be made, such as the repetitive nature of some tracks and uneven vocals, the album is still a must-listen for any fan of electronic music. We hope that this review has given you a deeper understanding of the album and encouraged you to give it a listen.
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