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Meditation Music


If you are looking for a way to relax, unwind, and ease tension, try out some meditation music. Soothing sounds can help reduce stress levels and keep your body in balance. You don't need to be a professional musician or a master yogi in order to appreciate the calming effect of peaceful melodies. Why not try an album today, you might find yourself searching for more! Meditation music features various soothing sounds like soft chimes, gentle harps, gorgeous string orchestrations, and slow rhythmic drums. The right tunes have the power to shift your energy quickly, creating inner peace and harmony. Sweep away troubles with soul-stirring notes orchestrated together in perfect composition Ñ all you have to do is press play! The easiest way to create the perfect ambiance is by curating your own playlist with heartfelt songs that make you feel at peace within. With so much selection available on digital streaming platforms ranging from classical tracks to rituals music from around the world Ñ the journey towards inner peace awaits! A playist with the best meditation music songs

The Art of Relaxation: Discover the Magic of Meditation Music
Do you ever feel like you're in need of a break, a way to unplug and recharge your spirit? Perhaps you're battling with anxiety or struggling to unwind after a long day? In today's fast-paced world, it can be hard to find that inner peace we all crave. That's where the magic of meditation music comes in. With its soothing sounds and tranquil melodies, it can help you find a sense of calm and balance, bringing your mind and body back into harmony. In this blog post, we’ll explore the art of relaxation through the power of meditation music.
Meditation music comes in all shapes and sizes – from soft chimes to gentle harps, from gorgeous string orchestrations to slow rhythmic drums. It is designed to help you relax and let go of the stress and anxiety of everyday life. It's all about creating an atmosphere where you can unwind, forget your worries, and simply be in the moment. Whether you're a seasoned meditation practitioner or just starting out, meditation music can be an incredibly helpful tool that can transform your practice.
But what makes meditation music so special? First and foremost, it has the power to shift your energy quickly. With the right melodies, it can transport you to a peaceful state, helping you to release tension and find inner peace. It's also incredibly versatile – you can listen to it during yoga, meditation, or even while you're working on a project. When you're feeling stressed or anxious, simply take a few minutes to listen to some meditation music and let it work its magic.
The best part about meditation music is that it's accessible to everyone. You don't need to be a professional musician or a master yogi to enjoy it. You can find countless albums and playlists available on digital streaming platforms that cater to different tastes. From classical tracks to world rituals, there's something for everyone.
So, how do you get started with meditation music? The easiest way is to curate your own playlist with heartfelt songs that make you feel at peace within. You can also try attending a sound bath or relaxation session where professional musicians use various instruments to create a meditative environment. These sessions can help you experience the full spectrum of meditation music's benefits.
The power of meditation music is undeniable. It has the ability to help us unwind, de-stress, and find inner peace. By incorporating music into our daily lives, we can experience a higher sense of well-being and tranquility. The best part? You don't need any special skills or knowledge to enjoy it – just a willingness to be present and open to the experience. So, next time you're feeling frazzled, take a few minutes to listen to some meditation music and let its soothing melodies transport you to a place of peace and tranquility.

The Third Eye

The Third Eye sometimes referred to as the Brow Chakra or inner eye. Has an esoteric and mystical concept, a perception beyond ordinary sight, an invisible eye that vibrates on the high spectrum of energy allowing one’s thoughts and visions to expand their sixth sense. In the ancient tradition of Hinduism and New Age spirituality, the third eye is the gateway towards higher consciousness within the inner realms and enlightenment of our etheric body or sometimes referred to as the Auric Field of a Human Body. Music creates the path to open up the third eye by matching the higher frequency of resonation with the lower vibration of the base, sound, and rhythm of the beat. Theta waves occur whilst we are asleep when we allow our body to relax and in a deep state of meditation. Our perception and dream state allows the human brain to retrieve, receive and visually connect to the outer world of imagination or sometimes referred to as a physic vision of the third eye. Shamanic therapy with music creates a steady-rhythmic beat of a drum struck four and one-half times, the same natural rhythm our body creates with the theta waves that are naturally present whilst sleeping. Theta meditation music enhances learning, awakens our intuition, relaxes the body and allows the two hemispheres of the brain to release positive signals to the pineal gland, the brain’s “storehouse” of our sensory perceptions. When the energy centres within the body are vibrating on a higher frequency, the vision of the third eye opens, hence seeing an outer reality or universal energy of consciousness. Binaural beats with a mix of subliminal visualisation, gives you a dream state feeling, a sense of lightness and freedom to visually expand the third eye.


Meditation music. The universal value of music

That music is a universal language, capable of reaching everyone beyond linguistic, social or cultural barriers, is well known. But its universal value has also been scientifically proven by a recent research from Barkeley University, California. The goal of the research was to create a catalog of emotions capable of enclosing all the emotional responses that are generated when we listen to music. The curious experiment took place as follows: 2500 people of different ages and cultures were interviewed, sampled in the United States and China. The request made to the participants was to listen to some music and associate them with emotions. The selected songs have been thousands, chosen among rock, folk, jazz, classical, popular and heavy metal.
The answer was that in all participants the emotions that emerged in relation to each listening were very similar and it was possible to catalogue 13 universally perceived emotions: fun, joy, eroticism, beauty, relaxation, sadness, fantasy, triumph, anxiety, fear, annoyance, rebellion, energy.
The results obtained led to the creation of an interactive map where the music samples are catalogued taking into account the 13 voices of the emotional experience self-reported and evoked by the music heard. Each emotion has been associated with a letter and each letter corresponds to a musical track, finally, the shades of color of the letters reveal songs to which listening different emotions have mixed with each other.
What researchers have set themselves as a future goal is to use these results for a therapeutic use of music (imagine fields such as music therapy or psychological therapies that aim to arouse certain emotions in patients), but also a more playful use, such as streaming platforms that could treasure these results to pack playlists more and more responsive to the wishes of their users.
The interactive map has been made available to everyone through a special site where visitors can move their cursors to listen to any of the thousands of fragments of music and discover, among other things, whether their emotional reactions correspond to those of the participants in the research. Each of us can then participate in the experiment and verify the actual correctness of the results achieved.
Once you connect to the site, hover the nouse over the colored letters will give you more information about cataloging the pieces, while a double click will reveal the source (where available). And for those who don’t agree, you can also drag and drop letters to rearrange the map. Ready to get started? Here is the link: music interactive map
Tag: meditation music, relax, universal music, yoga

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