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Artist: Alif Tree Album: Spaced

Year: 2002
Duration: 0:0-1

A of the Album Spaced by Alif Tree

Alif Tree is one of those rare music artists who blends various genres to come up with a unique sound of his own. A multi-instrumentalist and DJ, the French artist has been making music for over two decades. His album Spaced released in 2005 is a beautiful mix of downtempo, electronic and jazz music. This album defined Alif Tree's sound and established him as a strong voice in the electronic music scene. In this post, I'll be doing a of the album, taking a look at its history, genre, best songs, innovative parts, and overall critique of the album.
Alif Tree's Spaced album is a beautiful blend of jazz and electronic music. The album has 10 tracks, and each of them stands out in its own way. The opening track Forgotten Places starts with the sound of rainfall, setting the mood for the album. The track features a beautiful saxophone melody, with an electronic beat in the background. Belle is another standout track, with its simple melody and soft vocals. Kumbh Mela is a track that stands out because of its use of Indian instruments, such as the sitar and tabla. It's a beautiful track that transports you to different places with its unique sound.
The album's genre is primarily downtempo, with elements of electronic and jazz music. Alif Tree's use of the saxophone in many of the tracks adds a soulful touch to the electronic beats. The album's mood is introspective, with a sense of longing and nostalgia. The use of various sound effects, such as rainfall and bird chirping, adds texture to the album.
The most innovative part of the album is Alif Tree's use of different instruments and sounds. The album is not just about electronic beats, but also about live instrumentation. The incorporation of the saxophone, flute, and sitar adds a unique sound to the album. Alif Tree also experiments with different sounds, such as the sound of rain in Forgotten Places and the sound of a woodblock in Crescent.
As for the album's critique, while Spaced is a beautiful album, it does have a few shortcomings. The album could benefit from more variety in terms of sound and tempo. The track Clockwork feels a bit out of place on the album, with its upbeat tempo and techno sound. The album could also do with a bit more vocal variety. While Alif Tree's soft vocals work well on some tracks, there are moments in the album where the vocals feel repetitive.
Spaced is an important album in Alif Tree's career, and it's easy to see why. The album is a beautiful blend of jazz and electronic music, with a unique sound of its own. The use of live instrumentation and different sounds adds texture to the album, making it a delightful listen. While the album could benefit from a bit more variety, it's still a strong release that showcases Alif Tree's talent. If you're a fan of downtempo, jazz or electronic music, Spaced is definitely an album worth checking out.