Artist: Electrelane Album: No Shouts, No Calls
Year: 2007Duration: 0:0-1
A Critical Review of Electrelane's Album No Shouts, No Calls
Electrelane is a British rock band known for their experimental sound and unapologetic feminist lyrics. No Shouts, No Calls is their fourth studio album, released in 2007. This album has been praised for its innovative sound and experimental nature, but it also received criticism for being too disjointed and eclectic. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at this album, its genre, its best songs, and what makes it so innovative.
First, let's talk about the genre of No Shouts, No Calls. This album can be best described as a mix of post-punk, experimental rock, and avant-garde pop. Electrelane's unique sound can be attributed to the use of unconventional instruments such as the Farfisa organ and the melodica, and their experimental approach to song structures and melodies.
One of the best songs on the album is To The East. This song is an eleven-minute journey that starts with a slow, dreamy intro and gradually builds up into a fast-paced post-punk jam. The song features haunting lyrics about a failed relationship, and the music itself perfectly captures the emotions of desperation, longing, and anger.
Another highlight of the album is the song In Berlin. This song is a tribute to the city of Berlin and its vibrant music scene. The song features an infectious melody, shimmering guitar riffs, and a driving drumbeat. The lyrics pay homage to the city's history and its role as a creative hub.
Now onto the most innovative parts of the album. One of the most experimental tracks on the album is Cut and Run. This song features disjointed rhythms, strange vocal effects, and distorted guitar riffs. It's a challenging listen, but it perfectly captures the chaos and confusion of modern life.
However, not all of the experiments on the album are successful. Five is a short instrumental track that features a jarring mix of sound effects and random noises. While it's an interesting concept, it doesn't quite coalesce into a compelling piece of music.
Overall, No Shouts, No Calls is a challenging and ambitious album that showcases Electrelane's unique sound and experimental approach to music. While not every experiment is successful, the high points of the album are truly transcendent.
In conclusion, No Shouts, No Calls is not a conventional album by any means. But its genre-bending approach, unconventional instrumentation, and unapologetic lyrics make it an essential listen for fans of experimental rock and post-punk. While there are some missteps along the way, the best songs on the album are truly innovative and groundbreaking. If you're looking for an album that pushes the boundaries of what rock music can be, No Shouts, No Calls is definitely worth a listen.
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