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Ozzy Osbourne: If it's too loud, you're too old

STAIMUSIC es un servicio de streaming musical

It’s a project born in Milan (Italy) in 2013; our main goal is to try to make a sound selection focused on the quality of the songs, based on the power of the words and founded on the refinement of the collections. We want to give you the opportunity to listen, to watch and to discover the music.



Sumergirte en STAIMUSIC es:

- encontrar una via musical personal
- descubrir generes y epocas
- hallar tu gusto musical
- escuchar musica que hace vibrar cuerpos
- disfrutar de combinaciones musicales raras
- entrar en la esencia musical
- dejarse transporter a traves de historias, ciudades, conceptos, ilusiones viejas y de avanguardia

3 cosas que nos pertenecen

- creatividad
- pasion
- entusiasmo