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Taraf de Haïdouks (Romanian: Taraful haiducilor, Taraf of Haiduks) are a Romani-Romanian taraf (a troupe of l?utari, traditional musicians) from the town of Clejani, one of the most prominent such group in Romania in the post-Communist Era.
Discovering the Romanian Folk Sounds of Taraf De Haidouks
Eastern Europe has a rich history of traditional music, with each country having its own unique sound. One group that has risen to the forefront of this scene is Taraf De Haidouks, a Romanian band that has been making music for over 30 years. Their sound is a mix of lively, intricate rhythms and melodies that are sure to get your feet tapping. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the musical biography of Taraf De Haidouks, including their music genre, best songs, and famous concerts.
Taraf De Haidouks was founded in the early 1990s by a group of Romanian musicians from the village of Clejani. The band quickly gained popularity for their unique sound, which is a blend of traditional folk music and influences from other cultures, including Romani, Turkish, and Jewish. Their music often features fast-paced rhythms, virtuosic violin playing, and soulful vocals.
One of the best-known songs from Taraf De Haidouks is Hora Ca la Ursari, which translates to Bear Dance. This lively tune features an infectious rhythm that is impossible not to dance to. Other notable songs from the band include Cind Eram la '48, a melancholic ballad with haunting vocals and Turceasca, an upbeat instrumental track that showcases the group's impressive musicianship.
Taraf De Haidouks is often classified as a world music band, but their sound is unique and unmistakably Romanian. Their music draws inspiration from the traditional sounds of the Balkan region, but they're not afraid to experiment with new sounds and styles. This openness to other cultures and genres has helped them to reach a wider audience, and they have performed all over the world, including at famous concerts like Glastonbury in the UK and the WOMAD festival in Australia.
Despite their success, Taraf De Haidouks has also faced criticism in their home country. In 2001, a Romanian journalist accused the band of being fake and using Gypsy music as a gimmick. This sparked a heated debate in the Romanian media, with some defending the band and others calling for them to be banned. However, Taraf De Haidouks continued to make music and tour internationally, proving that their unique blend of traditional sounds and innovative experimentation has worldwide appeal.
If you're looking for music that will transport you to another time and place, look no further than Taraf De Haidouks. This Romanian band has been making music for over 30 years, blending traditional folk sounds with influences from other cultures to create a sound that is uniquely their own. Their fast-paced rhythms, soulful vocals, and virtuosic musicianship have won over audiences around the world, and they continue to inspire and innovate with each new release. Whether you're a seasoned world music listener or just discovering this genre for the first time, Taraf De Haidouks is a band that should not be missed.

The Melodic Journey of Taraf De Haidouks

Taraf De Haidouks, a Romanian Gypsy ensemble, is one of the most celebrated and influential bands of the late 20th century. Their music is a reflection of their roots, incorporating traditional sounds of Eastern and Central Europe, mixed with jazz, blues, and Flamenco. The group is known not only for their exuberant live performances but for their powerful and passionate sound. Their unique musical style has brought recognition and accolades worldwide, and in this blog post, we will delve into the history of this remarkable band, from their beginnings to their most famous hits.

Taraf De Haidouks was formed in 1989 in the Romanian village of Clejani. The band began as a group of friends jamming on traditional Gypsy tunes in pubs, but their talent caught the attention of Arhiva de Folclor, a national institute aimed at preserving Romanian culture. Soon, this band went from local heroes to international stars. Their debut album, Musique des Tziganes de Roumanie, released in 1991, showcased their exceptional talent and set a high standard for their future albums.

Their second album, Honourable Brigands, Magic Horses, and Evil Eye, released in 1994, brought them even more success. This album is considered their greatest work, and it shows the band's range of influences from rock to jazz to traditional Romanian sounds. Its popularity can be attributed to its varied sound and its ability to showcase the unique talent of each of the band members.

In 2001, Taraf De Haidouks released Band of Gypsies, an album named after the famous Jimi Hendrix project. This album featured gypsy musicians from around Europe, mixing Celtic, Klezmer, and Romanian influences. The band matured with this album, settling into their distinctive yet versatile sound, which they have managed to maintain in all their future albums.

One of their most famous songs is Cind eram la 48 (When I was in '48), a song that tells the tale of a gypsy musician’s journey to Bucharest during World War II. The song’s poignant lyrics, coupled with the traditional sounds, make it a raw and emotional experience for the listener. Another song that showcases their talent is Turceasca, a song that has been covered by multiple artists in Europe and worldwide. It’s a lively instrumental track that features violin, accordion, and percussion instruments that illustrate their sound mastery.

Their musical style blends both traditional and non-traditional sounds, making it a perfect example of the evolution of traditional music in modern times. Taraf De Haidouks infused jazz, blues, and Flamenco rhythms into Gypsy traditional music and created a new sound that enchanted its fans. Their sound is not just culturally significant but is also a symbol of the technical mastery and creative brilliance.

The legacy of Taraf De Haidouks continues to thrive today as the band’s influence is still felt in modern-day Romanian music. They are still influencing and captivating audiences worldwide, even though they disbanded in 2018 due to the passing of two of their members. They were not just musicians but bearers of tradition and ambassadors of Eastern Europe. Taraf De Haidouks brought to the world their unique sound and gave a new definition to traditional music. They remain one of the most celebrated and distinctive musical groups of the 20th century. Their music is a testimony to the unlimited potential of traditional music and a reminder of the richness it carries to modern-day music.

The legacy of Taraf De Haidouks continues to thrive today as the band’s influence is still felt in modern-day Romanian music. They are still influencing and captivating audiences worldwide, even though they disbanded in 2018 due to the passing of two of their members. They were not just musicians but bearers of tradition and ambassadors of Eastern Europe. Taraf De Haidouks brought to the world their unique sound and gave a new definition to traditional music. They remain one of the most celebrated and distinctive musical groups of the 20th century. Their music is a testimony to the unlimited potential of traditional music and a reminder of the richness it carries to modern-day music.
Tag: Taraf De Haidouks, musical biography, best songs, playlist
1 - Carolina
2 - Costica Boieru Ii
3 - Turceasca
4 - A La Turk
5 - In A Persian Market
6 - Rustem
7 - Sabarelu
8 - Indiaca
9 - Mesteru Manole
10 - Tot Taraful
11 - Pe Deasupra Casei Mele
12 - Cimpoiu
13 - A La Turk (turcoaica Angali)
14 - Hora Ca La Ursari
15 - Catar O Birto Mai Opre
16 - Parlapapup
17 - A Gypsy Had A House
18 - Introduction
19 - Cind Eram La '48
20 - Jamparale Ca La Vadulat
21 - Romanian Folk Dances
22 - Absinth I Drink You, Absinth I Eat You
23 - Brîu
24 - Dragoste De La Clejani
25 - Dance Of The Firemen
26 - Terno Chelipé
27 - Les Portes De La Nuit
28 - Mugur Mugurel
29 - Hora Din Caval
30 - Waltz From Masquerade
31 - Balada Conducatorolui
32 - Hora Moldovenesca
33 - Asturias
34 - The Missing Dance
35 - Danza Ritual Del Fuego
36 - Dumbala Dumba