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Robert Rental was the stage name of Robert Donnachie (1952–2000), a British pioneer of the post-punk DIY industrial electronic music scene in the United Kingdom.
The Enigmatic and Talented Robert Rental: His Life in Music
If you are an avid listener of underground, experimental music, you might have come across Robert Rental, one of the most enigmatic figures in the world of music. Robert Rental is a self-taught musician who was active in the late 70s and early 80s. He was part of the punk and industrial music scene, experimenting with sounds that were ahead of his time. When talking about the pioneers of electronic music, it is essential to mention Rental. Despite his short career, he has left a lasting impact on the experimental music scene. In this article, we'll dive deep into his life in music, his best songs, his music genre, and his famous concerts.
Robert Rental was born, Robert Donnachie, in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1952. He moved to London in the early 70s, where he started his music career. He was deeply influenced by the punk movement and the DIY attitude of making music. Robert Rental was a multi-instrumentalist and could play guitar, bass, and keyboards. He started his career as a guitarist in the group The Normal with Daniel Miller, who later founded Mute Records. He was part of the pioneering wave of electronic musicians, collaborating with Thomas Leer, Donald Ross Skinner and Glenn Michael Wallis.
Rental's music was like nothing anybody had heard before. It was a mixture of punk, industrial, and experimental music, creating a unique sound that was ahead of its time. One of his most famous songs is Paralysis, created in 1978. This song was his debut release, and it immediately caught the ears of many music enthusiasts. Paralysis had a cold and mechanical sound, using guitar, synths and drum machines. This song became so influential that it was covered by other musicians like Soft Cell and Nine Inch Nails.
Rental has been associated with the industrial genre because of his collaborations with Glenn Michael Wallis, who was part of the band Throbbing Gristle. One of their creations that still shines till today is Live at West Runton Pavillion, a concert that they performed in 1980. The song was recorded live, and it features Robert and Wallis, creating an intense and raw sound on stage.
The genre of music that Robert Rental brought to the world was unique and experimental. He created music that was dark, cold and detached, setting himself apart from other musicians. His music has been categorized as post-punk, experimental, and industrial. His contribution to electronic music has paved the way for other musicians and genres.
When talking about the best songs from Robert Rental, it's hard to choose just a few, but there are some that are memorable. Another song that stands out is Double Heart, another masterpiece that showcases his musical talent. It has a robotic and hypnotizing sound, using synths and drum machines. ACC is also another great song that he did in collaboration with Thomas Leer. It has a jarring, clanging sound, with harmonies and melodies that are unconventional.
Robert Rental is, without a doubt, one of the most influential artists in the experimental music scene. His innovative style of music inspired many musicians, and it's a legacy that lives on today. Although he passed away at a young age, his music has continued to influence future generations. He will always be remembered for his contribution to electronic and industrial music, his experimentation with sounds, and his unique talent for making music.
Robert Rental is, without a doubt, one of the most influential artists in the experimental music scene. His innovative style of music inspired many musicians, and it's a legacy that lives on today. Although he passed away at a young age, his music has continued to influence future generations. He will always be remembered for his contribution to electronic and industrial music, his experimentation with sounds, and his unique talent for making music.
1 - On Location
2 - A.C.C.
3 - Double Heart
4 - Paralysis
5 - Attack Decay
6 - Connotations
7 - a2
8 - Fade Away
9 - a1
10 - Perpetual
11 - Interferon
12 - a3
13 - b1
14 - b2
15 - b4
16 - Day Breaks, Night Heals
17 - Monochrome Days
18 - Before Closing Doors
1979: The Bridge
1978: Paralysis